25 young girls in Valencia visit the Pas of the Pyrenees
Attached is a brief chronicle written by Irene Beltrán, 14 years-old, one of the participants in these days in Pallerols.
From the 11th to the 14th of October we were a group of 25 people from the Blaumar Cultural Association (Valencia) to the refuge of Pallerols, where years ago Saint Josemaria Escriva passed by accompanied by some of the first members of Opus Dei, when they were trying to escape from the republican zone, where in those years of the Spanish Civil War there was no religious freedom, and to be able to pass through the Pyrenees to the other part of Spain.
With the passage of time the rectory of Pallerols had collapsed and the Association of Friends of the Pallerols Way from Rialb to Andorra has recently reformed it, so that it has remained as it was in 1937. For example, the so-called “oven” where they slept one of the most important nights of this voyage, remains the same.
On the first day Ramón Camats, an expert in the area, explained the history of the place, the church of Pallerols and the rectory, then we went on an excursion to St. Raphael’s Cabin where St. Josemaría and the other 7 people who accompanied him spent several hidden days. Inside the cabin we were surprised to see a photograph of Our Lady of the Pillar hanging from a pole with words written by St. Josemaria. We took the opportunity to have a snack and tell a little about the history of what happened there during those days. On the way back to the refuge, we passed by the raft where they went to bathe every day during the days of November 1937 that remained in the cabin.
The next day, we made another stretch of the Pyrenees pass crossing the Andorran border through the mountain. It was a few kilometres, but very uphill, which helped us a great deal to appreciate the effort they put into crossing the mountains for five nights, with hardly any food and no suitable footwear. We finished the day in Andorra getting to know the country.
It has been a few days to get to know Opus Dei better and to do a lot of work between the levels of 3o of ESO to 2o of Bachillerato.
A plan to repeat every year!
Da alegría ver a estas chicas valencianas tan simpáticas por estas montañas de Pallerols.
Gràcies, Mn. Jaume, per l’atenció pastoral que presteu als peregrins que des de terres llunyanes fan el camí de Pallerols fins a Andorra, seguint les petjades de sant Josepmaria.
Vam tenir la sort de que es fessin presents a la Santa Missa de la Parròquia de Santa Maria de Ponts. No cal dir que la comunitat pontsicana que assistia a l’eucaristia van estar molt contenta de tenir gent jove participant de la mateixa.
De vegades també necessitem les envellides comunitats de compartir i veure un futur des de les noves generacions en la fe catòlica. També això ho recull aquest Sínode dels Bisbes sobre els Joves, que està a punt d’acabar-se a Roma.
Ja que vareu gaudir de valent, dir-vos que nosaltres també amb la vostra companyia, alegria i sentit de la fe.
Una amical abraçada des de Ponts per a totes vosaltres !!!
No son de Daumar, son de Blaumar.
Enhorabuena para estas jóvenes de Daumar que han ido a aprender historia in situ. A ver si otro año, cuando repitáis, os animáis a recorrer más tramos del camino (pero con otro calzado y vestimenta)