During this summer, many people from distant countries have visited Pallerols

From September 9 to 11, a group of 9 university students from Slovakia was in Pallerols, guided by Fr. Santiago Fuertes, a priest of Opus Dei who has been in Bratislava for many years.

They arrived in Pallerols on the 9th in the afternoon. After settling in the refuge, they visited the church and the rectory of Pallerolls and were able to watch the documentary of the Passage of the Pyrenees.

During the visit to the church they saw the place where St. Josemaría found the rose of Pallerols that was for him a sign that continuing his journey to Andorra was doing the will of God, when he was full of concern about whether or not he was doing what God wanted from him.

Next to this place is an image of the Virgin of Roser. Some of the attendees were shocked to know the answer given by Mons. Javier Echevarría, former prelate of Opus Dei, when a boy asked him: What should we ask the virgin of Roser de Pallerols? and Mons. Echevarría answered quickly: the personal path, which we could translate by: what is God’s will for me?

The next day, after the meditation and celebration of Holy Mass in the church of Pallerols, they made the trip to the Ribalera, the place where St. Josemaría celebrated the last mass before arriving in Andorra: 6 hours long way, with that the boys could relive one of those difficult days of the year 1937.

Saint Josemaría experienced in these places the continuous help of God and Saint Mary who led him safely to a land where he could freely exercise his priestly ministry.

An analogous experience has been lived by these young Slovaks, which has meant for them to reaffirm in the certainty that God and his mother Saint Mary always come to our aid in the difficult moments of our life.