Like every year, a group of boys come to do the walk from Pallerols to Andorra, in 5 days

One of the walkers, Marc Pujol, tells us about his journey from Pallerols to Andorra following in the footsteps of Saint Josemaría in the autumn of 1937

For yet another year we have decided to follow in the footsteps of Saint Josemaría crossing the Pyrenees, better known among us as the Paspi. Once prepared, the group from Lleida plus a couple of Barcelonans left for Pallerols to start their own expedition to the Pyrenees. There, before the rest of the group arrived from Malaga, Fr Xavi Pont told us where we were and what we were going to do. We were really in a historic and decisive place so that Opus Dei could reach thousands of people. A miraculous place, where the founder of the Work received a sign that what he was doing is what God really wanted.

At night, before dinner, the people from Malaga arrived and we were able to meet the new members of the group: three parents, three children and the famous Spasky who, at 65, also has three Paspis. With them we were able to enjoy and share dinner and just after quickly to bed, that tomorrow the walk begins.

In the morning, mass and breakfast in Pallerols, and then towards Peramola from where we started walking. Today was a tough stage because it was very long, also because of the steep slopes and above all because of the heat. However, this year we have had quite a few clouds for several days, which have protected us from the sun. However; when it rained, it really rained.

Once past the “Corb House” we arrived at the place where Saint Josemaría celebrated his last mass of the expedition next to a ravine, where we took the opportunity to eat and rest a bit. At night, after today’s stage, we reached a meadow surrounded by forest, at the top of Aubenç; We knew that there we would not have water to wash or much cell phone coverage. But we found a solution to this by bathing in a water collection point from the fire brigade, and with good guitar music and games when it wasn’t raining. The feeling of doing this leaving the mobile, lost in the mountains and with good people is something that everyone should try.

The second day, with clouds in the sky, we started the second stage. The group was already beginning to talk about the famous Can Fenollet macaroni. A house where every year Rosa prepares us a delicious lunch. We all end up well served and loaded to continue on our way. During that day we were able to learn more about some of the capabilities of our group. Spasky’s ability to sleep everywhere and the good dressing of Jesus who wears a shirt at all times. Once we arrived at the Camping we were able to enjoy a good pool and shower and the much-desired bath. At night we attended the town’s Mass and prepared ourselves for the third stage. During these days we also got quite rainy weather, but it did not stop the joy of continuing walking and witnessing the wonderful views that God allowed us to contemplate every day. In these last stages, we began to observe the different rhythms that existed in the group and how the expedition would be pulling the rhythm in a hurry and that of I want to get home alive. The last day at the campsite we took advantage of the last moments of swimming pool and relaxation. And finally, like every day, we went to sleep early since tomorrow, as always, it would be time to get up early. Here I hope that the finger of “God helps those who get up early” will serve.

The fourth stage is one of the shortest, but as always, steep climbs are not something to be missed. At lunchtime we arrived at the place where we were going to put the tents. For me, the best camping site of the entire expedition. Thanks to the imagination of some, two sticks, some stones and a rope we were able to have a volleyball game that ended with a barbecue and a few games “to the wolf”.

It is already the last stage of the PasPi, with Andorra as our objective and we still had to overcome the great feared “Cabra Morta” just after having covered two descents and one ascent that were not a small thing. Once we arrived in Andorra, we finished with a mass for Saint Josemaría in Sant Julià de Lòria, and with a McDonald’s to say goodbye to our friends from Malaga.

These days are appreciated. First of all, to the people who do the provisioning and who with an all-terrain car take our things and food where necessary. Also to our guides, who despite sometimes not being there in person, we do have them on top of us trying to get us on the right track. And finally, to all the members of the group who make this coexistence a very good experience with their ways of being. Authentic people I would say.