1. Around 10 o’clock in the morning we met at the appointed place, in front of the hotel Betriu of Coll de Nargó. 15 members of the expedition to do the crossing from the Valldarques to the Cabó river. We were 3 from Girona, 5 from Andorra and Organyà, 4 from Barcelona, 1 from Poland, 1 from Portugal and 1 from Brazil.

2. We began to walk around 10.30 and arrived at our destination, at the road near Oliva de la Vall de Cabó, around 17,45. Altogether we took 7 long hours. Throughout the route we rested in three different places: at Comalavall, Fenollet and Coll of Santa Fe, so we were walking for 5 hours. When we arrived at Santa Fe some took the opportunity to go up to the chapel of Santa Fe and contemplate the magnificent view.

3. At Fenollet we had the occasion of greeting Eugeni Coll Campà, owner of the house, who in 1937 was about 14 years old and knows well the expeditions that passed by his house, and we also greeted his daughter Rosa, present housekeeper of the house, who will take good care of you if decide to spend a few days at this house, which presently is a Farmer House of Rural Tourism.

4. We enjoyed very good weather conditions, in fact throughout the entire Long walk. The landscape of the slope from Coll de Santa Fe to Cabó river, being on the North side, was pretty covered by frost, so that it was very interesting and pleasant.

5. We must say, a fact which has become usual, that the Long Walk has been a great success: because of the variety of the landscape, the good weather, the quality of the travellers, and many other things we could add.