He was a good man and always happy

A Friend of Pallerols, Javier Gual, passed away last Thursday, March 26, at 9:45 p.m. He and his wife, Isabel Navarro, were effective contributors to Pallerols. La Mercè Betriu sends us a brief resemblance of Javier:

Javier was a lawyer by profession, but for health reasons he had not been practicing lately. She was a totally dedicated person to her family and the Raier Club, in Lleida, where she helped every afternoon, always with a smile of kindness.
He loved traveling and sent hundreds of postcards to his friends, among whom I was lucky enough to receive.
His wife, Isa, has always helped me organize and prepare the meals that have been made on several occasions in Pallerols.
In the last meeting of the Rose, in November last year, Javier and Isa also came and after the liturgical celebration, a good group of people had lunch at the school.
Before, in October, we celebrated a party on the occasion of Javier’s wedding and the 60th anniversary.