Committed to the spread of Pallerols around the world

On the night of May 19, Mn. Enric Moliné Coll, priest of the Opus Dei prelature, who collaborated so much in the dissemination of the events that occurred in Pallerols in November 1937 on the occasion of the passage of saint Josemaría through the lands of the Barony of Rialb and Alt Urgell in his way to Andorra.

Mn. Enric attended several of the parties that we celebrate each year in Pallerols around November 22, at the Festa de la Trobada de la Rosa.

Mn. Enric was born in La Seu de Urgell on January 29, 1933. He graduated in chemical sciences and in philosophy and letters from the University of Barcelona. He is also a doctor of theology from the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome. Ordained a priest, he exercised his ministry in various places, such as London and Oxford among others. He recently practiced in Barcelona.

He has worked on various medieval and modern historical aspects of the Urgell bishopric. A regular contributor to the Urgellia magazine, he is the author of several books on spirituality, Church history, and theology, as well as outreach brochures on these topics.

He has also participated in various collective works such as the Dictionary of Ecclesiastical History of Catalonia (1998-2001) and the Episcopology of the Church of Urgell (Societat Cultural Urgel·litana, 2002).

In relation to the story about saint Josemaría in his passage through Pallerols, Mn. Enric was an important advisor in the drafting of the Catalan version of the book “El Pas dels Pirineus“, giving order and clarity in the exposition of the topics covered in this book. Later, following the same scheme, the Spanish versions were published: “Entre la noche y la esperanza” and “Camino de Liberación“, with the latest research on the subject. Later it has also been translated into Italian with the title “Una Storica avventura sui Pirinei“.

He also actively participated in the research necessary for the writing of the book “Pallerols de Rialb. Història i Personatges“, but following his usual rule of collaborating without appearing, he did not want to appear in any way as a co-author of the book.

From the Associationof Friends of the Camino de Pallerols de Rialb to Andorra, we thank Mn. Enric Moliné all the valuable contributions of him for the promotion of the history of Saint Josemaría in Pallerols and the propagation of the devotion to the Virgin of the Rosary that is venerated in that church.