Remembering the sufferings of people persecuted by totalitarian ideologies On Saturday, November 26, 2022, the “Rosa del Nord” Walk was held, in memory of the people persecuted through the Pyrenees mountains seeking freedom during the Spanish civil war of 1936-39 and the Second World War 1942-45. In particular, we remember the 85th anniversary of an expedition in which Saint Josemaría Escrivá de Balaguer was traveling that entered Andorra on the night of December 1-2, 1937. The “Rosa del Nord”, which goes from Golf de Aravell to Sant Julià de Lòria, roughly corresponds to the last stage of this expedition: a 22 km route and 1,600 m of accumulated positive elevation gain. The walkers who participate in the Rosa del Nord identify with all the fugitives and persecuted by totalitarian ideologies from all over the world and of all time; That is why they walk at night, without supplies and in adverse weather conditions, as all persecuted people do. Participation in this year’s Walk has been 38 people: 23 walkers and 15 volunteers, some of whom also walked a section of the route. The organization was carried out by Toni Cucurull, from the Association of Friends of the Camí de Pallerols de Rialb a Andorra. The Walk began at 2:30 p.m. at the Aravell Golf Restaurant and ended at the Sant Julià de Lòria sports center around 10:30 p.m. The fastest ones took about 6 hours and the slowest ones about 8 hours. The volunteers were located in the Collada de la Torre, on the Civís river, in the town of Argolell, in the Mas d’Alins, in the house of Les Pardines and in the Coll de Jou, already in Andorra. When we arrived at the Sant Julià de Lòria sports center, the Town Council gave us hot chocolate and Andorran coca, for which we were very grateful. As every year, the collaboration of Esther, the owner of the Les Pardines house, cannot be missing, who served the walkers with hot drinks as she passed in front of her house. The 23 Walkers were: Jordi Pérez, Ricard Barot, Lluís Roig, Carme Torcuato, Xavier Miquel, Nuris Mois, Vicente Martínez, Marta Ribera, Marga Casal, Maite González, Josep Feixes, Noemí Lorente, Ramon Benet, Audrey Weiss, Laura Pujol, Laura Losmozos, Sophie Young, Jeffrey Stenzel, Lili Braatz, Montse Saiz, Vidal Chivo, Joan Jordi and Chema Díez. And the 15 Volunteers: Toni Cucurull, Iolanda Torcuato, William Díaz, Alfons Clavera, Paco Penella, Josep Maria Vila, Jordi Piferrer, Laia Roig, Jana Mitjana, Javier Comella, Octavio Rico, Ramon Camats, Esther Pardines, Diego Díaz and Yago Parellada.