Every second Saturday of the month, we go out with volunteers for the maintenance of the Andorra Road. Come too!

As usual, every second Saturday of the month we make an outing with volunteers to do maintenance work on the Camí d’Andorra and place posts and signs of vertical signage.

On Saturday, September 14th, we met 19 volunteers to work in the section that goes from Fenollet to Coll de Santa Fe and the descent to the Vall de Cabó, to Coll Marí.

After finding ourselves at 10 in the morning at Organyà, we went by car to Fenollet. From here we did two working groups. A group walked up the channel of the Grau del Fangueret to Coll de Santa Fe, doing clearing tasks and painting the blue and yellow signals on the way. The other group went with two cars to Coll de Santa Fe along the track that goes from Montanissell and passes through the Pitarell house.

While the first group cleared the path, the second group placed posts and signs.

Volunteers came from different places in Catalonia. From the province of Lleida: Paco Penella, Pepe Martínez, Josep Maria Vila, Ramon Camats, Miquel Àngel Olóndriz, Joaquim Monserrat with two children of his, Jesús and Vicens, José María Prieto, William Díaz and Mn. Xavier Pont. From the province of Barcelona: José Juan Crespo, Octavio Rico, Daniel Macià and Jordi Piferrer. From Girona: Ramon Bosch i Eusebio Garcia. We also had the great help of Antoni Baraut, from the Borda del Vilar de Cabó and Mariano Carbonell from Organyà.

Once the work finished, we went to lunch at Fenollet. Back, Mn. Xavier Pont celebrated Mass at Pallerols.

A very enjoyable day, with intense work and good lunch. To repeat it every month. The next exit will be on Saturday, October 12. If you want to spend really well, do not miss it!