They have discovered new horizons

The Netherlands: a group of young people from Amsterdam, Breda, The Hague, Nieuw Vennep, Utrecht and more, excited to walk the path of Saint Josemaría. “We are going to read something from this book,” Lisanne comments in the ‘van’, while she takes in her hands the illustrated book on the life of Saint Josemaría: ‘Historia de un sí’. What an adventure! Cross-country walks, hunger, thirst, prayer, looks of encouragement… Young girls between the ages of 12 and 15 are hooked on reading.

They arrive at Peramola. Start your own adventure! They visit the church of Pallerols. They pray before the Virgen del Roser. The rose, the tile: everything full of history. They are places where Saint Josemaría has been. They go up to the San Rafael Cabin. They pray there for peace in Ukraine. They have dinner at the shelter and have a great plan at the rectory: live strategos! The oven where the group of refugees who accompanied Saint Josemaría spent the night is impressive. They don’t want to sleep there even if they get paid.

Second day: excursion to “House of Corb”. Wow views! 5 girls go ahead. The mountain does not seem steep to them. Friendship, joy, energy. They pull forward. They do not realize that they are alone. They take time to think that it might be good to stop and wait. One of those 5, Elisa, says: “we have lost ourselves”. Teresa keeps her spirits up: “if Saint Josemaría could do this, so can we!” Maria Luisa prays to the Virgin: “so that we go hungry and they find us quickly.” The Virgin does not fail. After a break, they find them. The hunger has disappeared. The strength of one or two mysteries of the rosary!… The whole group gathers. There is great joy, water, sandwiches, sweets… And a big thank you to the Virgin and Saint Josemaría.

After this day of adventure in Pallerols, we head to Torreciudad!