Some talks broadcast on radio and television

Last February 2, the NSE Foundation invited Jordi Piferrer, vice-president of the Association of Friends of the Pallerols Way of Rialb in Andorra, to a talk-colloquium about the passing of Saint Josemaría Escrivà in Andorra, in the autumn of 1937.
The colloquium was moderated by Sister Carmen Frauca, from the NSE Foundation
The NSE Foundation, “Nuestra Señora del Encuentro con Dios”, has as its fundamental objective to evangelize – through radio and television – to the listeners of the Spanish-speaking world in accordance with the teachings of the Holy Scriptures and the Tradition of the Catholic Church.
Consider radio and television as an excellent informative and educational instrument to know the full Truth and love the supreme good. She works to be a bearer of the truth: educate in the truth, defend the truth, promote the truth.